HomeTop > Inquiries (general window)

Inquiries (general window)

Please select the content of the inquiry you want.

About shipping products

About Seino Transportation's transportation service

Introducing the transportation service of Seino Transportation.

* Move to the service lineup page.

Fare for freight

Introducing the fare for transportation.

* Move to the fare estimation page.

Nearest sales office

Introducing the nearest sales office.

* Move to the sales office search page.
* If you are in a hurry, please contact our nearest sales office.

Pickup request in the internet

* Move to the pickup request page.

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About receiving

You can check the delivery status.

* Moves to the delivery status confirmation page.

Inquiry about delivery

Click here for inquiries regarding delivery.

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Other inquiries

For inquiries, opinions, and requests other than the above shipping and receiving, please click here.