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Factory Function

The work of making a finished product by processing a semi-finished product is performed by Seino Logi Trans.

Service overview

In addition to normal storage, inventory management, shipping, etc. storage operations, we also carry out incidental operations related to various manufacturing processes such as distribution processing, inspection, inspection, filling, etc. that you carry out at your distribution center nationwide. We will propose the know-how obtained from the various work results that are available to meet the needs of your company.

FACTORY factory

  • From "logistic transformer + factory" = "logistics + transportation", take a step further into the customer's manufacturing process and add "added value".
  • Works that correspond to factories include manufacturing, assembly, inspection, disassembly, and distribution processing.
  • Utilization of “listening sheet” to identify issues that customers are not aware of

  • Contributing to improve customer's value chain

Please use Seino Transportation's distribution center as your factory. Cal-chan

Case Study

Assembly and delivery of large store fixtures

Case 1) Assembly and delivery of large store fixtures

We are entrusted with the storage, assembly and delivery of furniture that home appliance manufacturers install in mass retailers.
Eliminates the hassle of assembly in the backyard of a mass retailer, and ships finished products nationwide.

Disassembly of used machinery

Case 2) Disassembly of used machine

Contracted disassembly of used machine parts at stores.
Using an impact driver, one machine is disassembled into parts and shipped to the parts inspection process.

Cleaning of machine parts

Case 3) Cleaning of mechanical parts

Use ultrasonic cleaner to clean machine parts.
After ultrasonic cleaning, we use a special jig to remove dirt one by one and polish up to reusable parts up to the fine groove.

Deodorant filling

Case 4) Filling with deodorant

Fill the bottle with deodorant using a filling machine.
After filling, they were individually packaged and packed in a cosmetic box, and shipped to the shipper's sales offices nationwide upon request.

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1-12-9 Nihonbashihamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Nihonbashihamacho Building 6F TEL: +81-3-3851-2600

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