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Content of inquiry
- Logi Transformer Function
- About Logistics
- Model introduction
- Factory function
- Case study
- Introduction of distribution center
- Major distribution centers
- Iruma Logistics Center
- Funabashi Logistics Center
- Narita branch
- Sakura Logistics Center
- Ichikawa Logistics Center
- Tokyo Logistics Center
- Tsurumi Logistics Center
- Numazu Logistics Center
- Shizuoka branch
- Nagoya Higashi Logistics Center
- Nagoya port Distribution warehouse
- Komaki Logistics Center
- Gifu Logistics Center
- Yokkaichi Logistics Center
- Nagahama Logistics Center
- Kyoto Minami Logistics Center
- Seino Rinku Logistics Center
- Kobe Logistics Center
- Shinmei Logistics Center
- Fukuyama Logistics Center
- Tosu Logistics Center
- Major distribution centers
- Kangaroo SLIMS-SP
- Issue check sheet
- In-house delivery
- Logistics Services